Monday, January 10, 2011

So... this is blogging?

Well, I suppose my first post really ought to give you an idea of what is to come... 

Many blogs have a theme, or specialised subject, that the blogger writes about. I struggled to come up with anything that I felt sufficiently able to write about on a regular and consistent basis, but then I thought: Why not just write about life? I have made a move from England, to be with the man I love in Pennsylvania. A number of my friends from back home are curious as to what life is like here; equally, friends here are curious as to how my new life in America compares to my experiences back in the UK. So here I am, An Englishwoman in Pennsylvania - welcome to my blog!

I hope you find my thoughts and experiences interesting, and have as much fun reading them as I know I'm going to have writing them.


  1. Are white picket fences in?

    Do tell us about any culture shock you encounter and how you overcome it to!

  2. Mike, fences of any kind don't seem to be in! I found it surprising how many properties have no fences, at least from the front. As for culture shock, there are plenty of things that, while not necessarily in the category of a shock, are certainly different to what we are used to back in the UK. I will go into more detail on this in a future blog!
